Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Christmas in Killarney...I mean Dimapur.

Christmas is weird. There are so many different ways around the world people celebrate Christmas. Some people don't celebrate it, some people do. The place where my house is in India is mainly Hindu and therefore, no Christmas anywhere is seen or acknowledged. However, right now I am not at my house, I am in Nagaland, the place my Fiance is from and the place where he grew up. I am meeting his family and friends who grew up with him. I am hearing many stories of his childhood and laughing with his sisters. Here Christmas is a big deal. Everyone celebrates Christmas in Nagaland. They stay up until midnight on the 24th to wish everyone a Merry Christmas when the clock strikes 12:00. They sit around bonfires every night from a few days before Christmas, probably until New Years. They go to church an unnecessary amount of times (I think at least) on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The Christmas song they listen to the most, of all songs, is Feliz Navidad. How strange is that? They don't open presents, they don't play games, they don't have stockings, they eat pork and rice and chicken. It's not snowing and it's not even really that cold. It is everything my Christmases growing up were not.

I miss eggnog and I miss snow. I miss watching Christmas movies on TV. I miss playing the dice game and I miss opening presents on Christmas Eve in a big circle with my family. I miss seeing the nieces and nephews and great-nieces and great-nephews. I miss eating Turkey and Taco Dip. Most of all I miss my family. A lot.

This leads me to remember what Christmas is all about. It's not about traditions and customs and whether or not there's snow (but seriously, without snow I cannot even fathom that Christmas has come and gone). It does not matter if there are presents or cakes galore or eggnog or pork with bamboo shoots. It doesn't matter if I am with my family or my Fiance's family. It doesn't matter if I'm in India or the US. These things are not what makes Christmas what it really is.

As cliche as it sounds, "Jesus is the reason for the season!" and that is pretty much the most true thing. It may have taken me a trip to the other side of the world, and my first Christmas away from home to realize it, but Christmas is not about where you are or what you do. It's about Jesus being born and then remembering why He was born in the first place. Why he became flesh and walked among us just to die and then live again. This is why we celebrate Christmas. Not because of Santa Clause, Kris Kringle, Rudolph, or Buddy the Elf. Because of Jesus, Immanuel, God with us. The Word became flesh and lived among us, as He still does in our hearts and in other people.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rendezvous, Rickshaws, and Rupees.

Yesterday, The Fiancée and I went to the big city to meet a pastor who, we hoped, would perform our wedding. He is able to take care of all the legal stuff to do with our marriage. As a foreigner marrying an Indian a lot of stuff has to happen and a lot of documents must be found and copied and produced. Who knew, many, many years later, I would need my baptism certificate to get married? I mean, I don't even know if I got one. I think I was baptized 12 years ago.

Needless to say, he is excited to get to know us more and will be doing our marriage/wedding. Yay! He was really easy to get along with and my nerves were calmed after our short meeting because with Indian pastors they are either incredibly awesome or incredibly corny and obnoxious would be the best way to describe them.

I always forget how much cooler Lonavala is than the major cities surrounding it. It is always way hotter in Pune and Mumbai and I realize that when the train starts to get cooler and cooler as we approach Lonavala.

One of my favorite things about India is riding around in the auto rickshaws. They all make the same little growling sound as they drive around and the drivers are unique in their own ways. Some are very boisterous, others seem quite rude, still others are very talkative and want to know everything about you. Some rickshaws are falling a part while others have been pimped out to outrageous proportions with subwoofer and all. 

Today at our staff meeting we discussed financial charges around our campus. Depending on which country you come from, your fees are more or less. For example, I would have to pay $100 per month for my staff fees because I am from the US while Romel, as an Indian, would only pay $40. I really hate talking about money. It always brings frustration, anger, and depression into my life. I hope that changes one day, but for now that's just the way it is. Then, of course, as always happens, a few of the staff members began arguing and discussing. I shrink at arguments and heated discussions. I get this feeling like I need to get out of there and fast. I think I hate it so much because it is a source for disunity and dissension.  I just want everyone to get along! I will take no part in discussions or arguments. Although, today I did ask a few questions because many of the fees were raised for my category but not for the lowest category. 

I could write about money for a long time, but I won't bore you.

Tonight we have a staff Christmas party where we will exchange gifts and whatnot. I'm getting a little tired of Christmas parties here. One last week, one tonight and one on Sunday. Plus, when I go to Nagaland I can only imagine there will be a lot of Christmas happenings going on...not to mention the three weddings I will be attending.

And to end, I will leave you with a very common, misspelt sign at a mall. India: Where they spell things how they sound, not how they're actually spelt. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lazy Bones

Last night I went to sleep at 8:30 and woke up this morning at 6:52 not able to fall back asleep. Jet lag does something to me that I would never choose to do otherwise: wake up early. For some reason, the first few days I am in the US or in India I wake up around 7 or 8 each morning. 

Here I am sitting in that familiar classroom I have sat in and taught in many times. I arrived in India early, early Wednesday morning. It is good being back. It's warm and familiar yet different. Three and a half months is not much time, but some things can drastically change in that amount of time. It leads me to wonder if I have changed much during the time I was home in Minnesota. I feel like I have not changed a whole lot, but perhaps my Fiancée could tell me otherwise. 

It is interesting to be in a familiar place but full of not-so-familiar faces. There are new schools running and so new staff and students and some of my favorite staff are not here at the moment and it feels a little barren even though it is quite full. I do enjoy meeting new people though, and I am going to try to be more friendly this time around. I have gotten to a place here where I do not wish to meet or get to know new students unless they're in the school that I am staffing because they will leave and I will never see them again. However, that is no way to sow seeds however few it may be. 

Friday night we had a pre-Christmas party on our campus. I was excited to eat such good food so soon after arriving in India! During the course of the evening certain persons were dancing too hard and a friend fell on his knee and had to go to the hospital. I believe his knee was dislocated and fractured a little. Indians do not take dancing lightly!

A few updates since I last wrote:

I visited Seattle for the first time in my life and had so much fun there. What a lovely city it is. I was able to see a friend whom I have not seen in five years and her beautiful little family. I also had my first celebrity sighting: Danny Bonaduce! Not the most exciting celebrity to see, but fun none-the-less. I would have said hello but I was too afraid he might punch me in the face in a spout of anger.

Oh Eggnog how I miss thee....

Stuffing: The best part of Thanksgiving.

It is so strange for me to suddenly be on the other side of the world. I am not even sure if I still believe it's possible that I am in India just 24 hours after being in Minnesota. I miss my family terribly and although I'll see my mom and brother in March, it could not come soon enough. It's a little scary knowing I'm getting married so soon. I'm excited, but also scared. It is the biggest commitment of my life so far! 

So here I am a little sweaty and tired on this Monday morning saying, "Namaste" from India once again.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

La-la-la-la Life is Wonderful?

Not gonna lie. Life has its ups and downs. Right now I've been dragging my feet in the muck and the mire for a long time. I mean practically crawling. It's taken a lot to get me to this place, and well here I am. I'm just going to have a little vent session, I hope you don't mind.

I can't stand to hear about churches, charities, or political campaigns raising millions of dollars in mere weeks because here I am in need of mere pennies and nothing is happening. People don't seem to really care, because I feel like if they really cared they'd help a sister out. And it's actually not about me, I'm not asking for your pity on this poor unfortunate soul, I'll get by. I always do. There are so many people out there in need of money, food, clothes, doctors, and other things but they don't have an excuse to fundraise for it. It's not like your average unemployed person or single mom on welfare can ask people to support them, yet these churches, and the most ridiculous of them all (in my opinion) the political/presidential campaigns, are raising SO much money for what? For themselves. I won't throw charities in this one because they actually help people in need. But I have no sympathy for politics and their campaign costs. I thought our government leaders are supposed to make our country a better place. I also know that the Church is supposed to help people.

Supposedly, the old and the new testament teach on helping a brother or sister in need. Pretty sure God didn't say anything about collecting money to make your buildings and stages bigger and cooler. I'm pretty sure that they said quite the opposite actually throughout the entire Bible. Sure God wanted a big awesome Tabernacle and then Temple, but once Jesus came and died and the wonderful Holy Spirit arrived for everyone there was no need for awe-inspiring buildings and temples because now we don't need a high priest or holy of holies to meet with the Holiest of holies.

I firmly believe that the things the Western "Church" these days spends its money on is equivalent to the Catholic Church using all the money from indulgences and other ridiculous things to make golden cathedrals and crazy gold-covered, stained-glass everything back in the day. Not all churches today do this, but it's definitely a trend.

I think Rich Mullins as onto something when shortly before he died he said this:

"Jesus said whatever you do to the least of these my brothers you’ve done it to me. And this is what I’ve come to think. That if I want to identify fully with Jesus Christ, who I claim to be my Savior and Lord, the best way that I can do that is to identify with the poor. This I know will go against the teachings of all the popular evangelical preachers. But they’re just wrong. They’re not bad, they’re just wrong. Christianity is not about building an absolutely secure little niche in the world where you can live with your perfect little wife and your perfect little children in a beautiful little house where you have no gays or minority groups anywhere near you. Christianity is about learning to love like Jesus loved and Jesus loved the poor and Jesus loved the broken..."

That coming from a man who gave 100% of his income to his church, and then his church divided it up into different charities. I mean, he lived in a hogan for goodness sakes! This is someone who we can be inspired by. There are actually Christians in this world (though Rich Mullins is not anymore) who are doing something right.

These are some beautiful yet incredibly poor children I spent an evening with in India and this tent is where they lived. If you could even call those tents.

My needs are not that important. All I need is to pay a lawyer to help with immigration stuff, birth control, go to a doctor to cure my boil problem, get plane tickets to meet Romel's family next month, a wedding dress, etc. and so on and so forth. But honestly, God sees that list and he's all like, "Shoot, girl, that stuff is nothin'!" But I look at that list and I literally curl up into a corner and cry uncontrollably. This is the point I realize that there literally is nothing I can do about it. It's not like I can get a job tomorrow and work for the next 20 days and get $3,000 for it. It's not like I could win the lottery. It's not like someone's going to read this and think, "I shall help this girl out and buy a wedding dress for her!" or "I'll take this lady to Planned Parenthood and hook her up!" You want to know how I know those things won't happen? Because I thought of them. Every time God decides to open his gigantic wallet and throw money my way or give me something he does it in the most crazy, unexpected, ridiculous way that I would have never been able to see coming. And for that reason, I know not to be too terribly worried about all this. 

Please help someone out this week or this month. Give your tithe (if you're into that) to a human being and not an organization. Identify with the poor, the weak, the broken-hearted. Don't buy that iPhone 4S because honestly I don't see the difference. Go without your precious Starbucks runs this month and instead give that money to someone struggling with gas money or paying bills. Go through your closet and give away all the clothes you haven't worn in the past 30 days, chances are you won't wear them in the next 30 days either. Stop eating out all the time and give that money away, or take someone with you and pay for them. The opportunities are endless. 

Here are some great things to support besides me, of course!

Compassion International - sponsor a child!
Sex + Money: A National Search For Human Worth - Great documentary movement creating awareness and taking action in the fight against human trafficking, specifically within the US.
Jewish World Watch - Find out how you can take action against genocide today! Updates and information on countries and people groups facing genocide.
The Persecuted Church - Help fellow believers being persecuted for their faith all over the world!
Or simply look around you. Neighbors, family members, your children's classmates, there are people all around you who are struggling and in need of help.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Pity the Fool...

Happy November! This is what I looked like on Halloween (well not the whole outfit because the rest is too scandalous for the internet according to certain people). I was Lady GaGa. I also love Peaches in her little sheriff's costume. She wasn't a big fan of it, but everyone else loved it.

I particularly love her depressed look in the photo with me. It's like she's thinking, "Woe is me, I have no reason left to live with this outfit on."

It has been a long while since I wrote here. You could say I have had no reason to post because nothing special has happened and who wants to hear about my boring life? All I've been doing is eating candy and reading books. 

I did however, cook a delicious chicken pot pie this evening. This is not a picture of that particular pie, but just a peek at what glorious pie is waiting for me to eat it as left overs for the rest of the week!

I have been trying too hard for too long to control circumstances within my life. It's like this: when I am in India I have complete faith that God will provide all my needs because I have no way of even doing anything about it there aside from praying and writing letters. But when I come home I try everything my human brain can think of to raise money. I play shows, I baby-sit, I throw my services out there for any and all to take advantage of, but nothing happens. I find myself good opportunities to get the word out of my situation, my life, but nothing comes back, and I can't help but feel like no one cares. I know that's not true! So many people care about me and my life, but it's bigger than that, it's God's plan, God's life. I'm just doing what He has called me to and I can't get upset anymore if people are not seeming interested. 

I have come to this place though where I feel like if everything isn't working out perfectly and fitting together nicely then I have this crazy idea that I must not be obeying God. Like because I'm not doing what he wants me to do everything is falling a part. I don't think it's like that though. Many things don't work out even though God is behind them. Just because he wants it to happen doesn't mean other people want to support it. Just because I'm not getting the finances, encouragement, or time with people I'd like does not mean that God does not want me to do what I'm doing. 

I will confess though, I have been trying too hard for too long to control these things. I have been living life at "home" in Minnesota in my own strength. Consulting only myself before I make a decision. That is not how I should be living this life. Why is it so much easier to do the right thing when I am in India than when I am in the United States?

It's so easy to give in to temptation here. It's so easy to be lazy here. It is very interesting to suddenly realize the differences in spiritual attacks between Minnesota living and Indian living. Not only are the two places physically as far away from each other as they can get on the earth, but so are the temptations, the struggles, the hardships. 

I can't help but be reminded of these words of wisdom from a good friend of mine (I wish!) Paul:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds. Philippians 4:4-7

I can't help but think though that I have too long been presenting requests to God. He knows what I need. I don't need to always pursue what He is capable of giving, but I must always pursue knowing Him deeper. It's hard though. I often can't shut up.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Help! I need somebody.

I love seeing the falling leaves, feeling the cool breeze, and sharing my heart for India with familiar faces and strangers. 

This last time I was in India a handsome Indian man proposed to me after 2 years of ups and downs but never ending love. I said “yes” and am so looking forward to not just our wedding day, but the life together after that. Our life together as one big heart for India. Being from two different nations it is incredibly difficult and time-consuming to get married whether here in the U.S. or in India. You all reading this who have gotten married to someone from the U.S. are so lucky. The next year-and-a-half of our life is going to be full of stress and worry, which we all know by now I’m really good at. I am a planner and so it is hard to give up this marriage, visa stuff, green card, and citizenship process up to God. It’s something I have to do every single day.

I love India. I love teaching these college-age students how to study the Bible for themselves. I love seeing the light in their eyes when something just clicks and that revelation that comes straight from the Spirit! I love hearing from my past students who are leading churches and pioneering new ministries among unwanted children or untouchable people. I love riding the local train and smiling at all the women who are trying to figure out whether or not my tattoo is real. I love sitting with my neighbors who are Jehovah’s Witnesses and talking about our favorite books of the Old Testament. I love studying the Bible in the local coffee shop so often that people are beginning to get curious and ask about Jesus. India is where I was always meant to be. India is where Romel and I are called to work together and serve each other and others around us through our music and teaching and just living our lives as an example of Love.

Maybe you can’t come and see exactly what is happening in God’s kingdom in India, but you can still be a part of it.

Maybe you can’t come and meet my Indian friends, family, and fellow co-workers, but you can give them hope and encouragement.

Maybe you can’t understand or know how corrupt all spheres of India’s society are right now, but you can be a part of changing it. You can be a big part of God’s movement and kingdom in India.
I know God has called Romel and myself to physically be a part of His big picture plan for India, and maybe God is calling you to also be a part of it too in a different and equally important way. 

You can help by praying for us; praying for the School of Biblical Studies; praying for the music and arts ministry to reach out and touch people’s hearts; praying for money to fall from the sky and grow on trees around us. We want to be able to not only live there without worry, but we want to be able to bless others around us who are constantly struggling with finances.

The wedding is set for March. The exact date is not fixed yet, but will be soon. It will be in Lonavala and it is going to be simple and fun. We are not even thinking about the cost of the wedding right now, but it will be as simple and inexpensive as possible.

What we are thinking about is the process and preparation of getting married there. Here is our plan:

1. Hire an Immigration Lawyer to help us file all the paperwork and make sure we do everything the correct way. We have found a wonderful man to do this who is charging us only 50% of his normal fees, but we need to pay him ASAP so we can get started on future preparation. We need to pay him $1,600 before I go back to India at the end of November.

2. After we get married we plan to apply for a Spousal Visa which will take about 8-10 months to get, but once Romel gets the visa he can come to the U.S. and immediately gets permanent residence here! This is what we’re hiring the lawyer for.

3. Once he arrives in the U.S. we will immediately start the US Citizenship process for Romel which can be expedited for our situation as long as we go back to India for at least one year after he gets citizenship.

How you can help us is by praying. If God is nudging you to give financially please do not hesitate to contact me. Now that I am home it is easier to give directly to me or you can still send checks or use your credit card/debit card via YWAM in Tyler, TX. There are so many options available it’s ridiculous! Just e-mail me for the list of options or else there's a paypal button to the right of this post you can choose to use.

As always, click on the pictures for a larger view!

Thanks so much for your support and encouragement. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Birthdays and Stress.

On the first of this month it was my Mother's birthday and my nephew's 1st birthday. It was fun celebrating both lives and simply spending some time as a family for once.

This is how my brother wrapped his present. In one of his Cosby sweaters.

Peaches the Dog does not seem too thrilled at the idea of a cat clock.

He would not get messy! Come on little baby, have fun with cake!

My mom got three cakes because she was complaining that she always bakes cake for everyone else's birthday but no one ever makes any for hers.

Finally, he got a little messy, still not as epic as it could have been.

I love birthdays. I love how different the celebrations are in India than here. In India it's more like a wedding I guess. If it's your birthday you get a cake (Indian cakes do NOT taste good in my opinion) and you blow out your candles and sing happy birthday, BUT when you're done singing and blowing out candles the birthday person cuts the first piece of the cake and then someone else takes that piece and feeds it to the birthday person. Then the birthday person feeds the person who fed them. So, quite similar to the wedding ritual we have here.

Then, suddenly the next day, I let the dog outside and saw something floating in the pool. Upon closer examination I found this squirrel who had drowned. Poor little guy or girl.

I dyed my hair yet again, darker. I plan to keep it quite dark when I go back to India so that it keeps the staring to a minimum, although even if I wear their clothes and have black hair like them, they still know I'm not Indian for some reason. Must be because I have the whitest skin known to mankind.

Lastly, I recently found this picture online and it just makes me squeal with happiness every time I look at it, so I thought I'd share it with you to brighten your day!

Now I wish to present to you with the best news ever (and the source of all my stress lately)! Romel and I have discussed and prayed about when and where to get married and have finally decided vague destinations and dates!
 Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrummmmmmmmmm rollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.....

We will be getting married in March in India! Then we hope to get a Spousal visa which could take up to 10 months after our wedding to get, but once we get it he'll come to the US with me and start the citizenship process! We're not doing this so that we can both live in the US, we're doing this so that it's easier actually for both of us to live in India and always be able to come to the US on short notice or for as long or as little as we like. Plus this way we'll never have to be stuck away from each other because of immigration stuff or visa stuff or anything.

On that topic, we need $1,600 dollars almost immediately to hire a lawyer to help us get this visa with the greatest of ease. It certainly is much easier having someone who knows all the laws and how to get things done quickly. If you would like to know in more detail the cost and process which spreads out over the next year or longer just e-mail me and I will tell you all you want to know!

In the spirit of our love and finally a wedding on the horizon, here is one of my favorite love songs from a great Bollywood movie called "ISHQ" which means "love" I just love it so so so much! Please enjoy! It has my favorite Bollywood actor Aamir Khan. Ahhhhh.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nothing to see here. Not much at least.

It has been a while since I wrote for you. I'm sorry. I have not been that busy and I think it's for that reason I have not written because there is not anything to write about. Nothing new has occurred except that it is now officially "autumn" which I love and hate all at the same time. I love the changing colors of the leaves and the cool, crisp air. I do not like the fact that it will only get colder and colder and I also have to figure out what the heck I'm going to be for halloween. I think since I'll be answering the door and passing out candy this year I probably shouldn't be Lady GaGa. Unless of course I'm invited to a grown-up Halloween party, then perhaps I'll try to pull off GaGa.

My little nephew has taken a liking to the piano. He bangs away for a few seconds hitting any keys that come in his way, then he changes the dynamic and quietly plays one key, dun, dun, dun, dun, then a short pause and back to banging any and all keys in his path. It's quite adorable. He also loves drumming things so I'd like to get him some sort of drum for his birthday coming up this weekend.

After we had our huge garage sale this last weekend, I thought I'd spend a little on me for once and so I bought this pretty sweet top. You can't really get a feel for how cool it is in this picture, but it's so cool. The hat is from my Dad and it's a little too big for my head which is why I LOVE it and will wear it as often as I can even back in India. Now I have an excuse to not wash my hair!

So, like I said, we had a garage sale and did not get as much traffic as we had hoped, but who can complain about getting rid of extra junk and gaining $200 out of the process? Not me. It was cold sitting out in that garage for two days straight and even though I live in India, the land of bargaining and heckling, I was nervous to bargain with people for prices. Luckily, no one even asked to pay less than what we had marked for anything! It was also wonderful to meet some of the neighbors who I never see since I don't live here. Also sad to meet them because they would ask where my Grandmother is and we'd have to tell them that she moved to a nursing home and has alzheimer's. Getting older can really suck in my opinion. 

Being home is getting better, but I rarely spend time outside of the house still and do not have any contact with friends. I never see any friends. I don't go and hang out on a Friday or Saturday night. I don't even have a desire to! I remember a few years ago I couldn't even sit still on the weekends because I just knew people were hanging out somewhere and I had to be a part of it! I would literally go through my contact list on my phone calling people to see if they wanted to do something or already had plans I could be a part of. Now I could care less, or maybe it's that now people are not hanging out as much as they used to. I guess we are older and people are engaged or married or in a relationship or busy with church stuff. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Walking, Trekking, Moving.

I would highly recommend clicking on the photos to see a larger version. Especially when it gets to the BALD EAGLE. Yes, I said "BALD EAGLE."

First of all, I bought this most excellent sweatshirt at a garage sale last weekend.

On September 11th, just two days ago, there was a man in Osseo handing out flags for your car window. He had a giant box full of them and was giving them away to every single car that drove by if they so desired! Way to go American citizen! It was refreshing and wonderful to see a man in this country doing something not for himself, but for others and so that we would remember that fateful day and all those beautiful lives lost unexpectedly.

Secondly, my beautiful friend Mel and I have decided we are going to go on a walk every weekday morning and so far we've done it twice and it has been beautiful outside! I decided to bring a camera with me today and so here is evidence of me actually getting out of the house and doing something!

Mom's Sketcher Toning-something-or-other shoes and Target Dress. Trying to catch a little sun.

Definitely realized I need a different type of lens to get close-ups.

Quirky new signs on the path? Awesome.

I saw a bald eagle!


"Minnesota Nice"

 And now for the wildlife portion of the trip (also remember the bald eagle above).

This guy was my favorite. He was gathering grass for so long and it looks like he has a giant grassy mustache. I love it.

I missed Maple trees.

It has begun. The leaves they are a'changin.

I hope you are getting outside and making the most of the little time we have left of amazing weather!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bling Blingin' yo.

I was at Target the other day just getting a drink at Starbucks and this couple came up to order while I was waiting for my drink. They were the epitome of how I think Indians stereotypically picture Americans in their mind. I don't know if they were married, but they were engaged at least and her ring looked like this:

No joke. She had bleach blonde hair and was very skinny, wearing heels with jeans and a heavier application of make-up. Her purse was most likely designer. Her man was wearing a tight T-shirt, you know those ones with all the graphics on it like this:

And some sort of designer jeans with leather shoes and a blingin' wristwatch with his arm around his girl's waist. I almost wanted to thank them for keeping the stereotype alive. I wondered how much money they had collectively and if they'd ever consider giving any to me. Mostly, I just thought how many much-needed things they could have bought for an Indian family with the money they spent on their collective outfits that day.

I was able to Skype with the Fiancée on Saturday night and it was truly wonderful. Here are some screenshots. These were both taken after I told him, "I'm taking a picture of you so do something."

I am beginning a life of more healthy living today. Which means no more fast food and less sugar (if possible!!) I also will be doing INSANITY every day with Shaun T. Or at least I hope to. I figure if I write it on here for all to read then I'd be more likely to follow through this time. 

Good-bye Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And now, me wearing a dress I wouldn't normally be caught dead in. I never was one for the thin-strapped tank tops (or vest tops if you're Indian) but thought I'd be a little risque today. Which isn't at all "risque" by American standards, but those reading this blog in India should avert their eyes now.

I also dyed my hair today which you can't really tell by this picture, but you should see it soon enough if you are coming to my Bible Study beginning TOMORROW NIGHT!! It's at my parent's house and starts at 7:00PM so please be there if you are able! Tomorrow will just be a little introduction and next week will be the first teaching, so it's okay if you miss tomorrow's (I guess, if you haaaaaave to) but you CANNOT miss next Tuesday's if you want to be a part of this. It's the foundation for the whole rest of the study!

I'm also having a garage sale this weekend at my parents to raise funds for Indian stuff. Mostly I need money to file a form for my Fiancée's next attempt at a visa and also money to get my passport renewed since it expires in March. If you have any stuff you would be willing to give me to sell let me know! I'll try to come pick it up before Friday! Preferable pricey things, but anything will do! If you're interested we'll be selling a lot of books. Tons of books. Mostly Science Fiction and Christianish, but seriously, a ton of books.

The SALE will go on Friday-Sunday 9-4 PM each day! Come on out and chill or peruse or bring some refreshments or anything!

I can't get enough of this song. Not a usual choice for me. Eminem? But I am growing to like him, especially his latest stuff. Keep in mind, the f-bomb is dropped frequently in this song, but if you like Bruno Mars and Eminem then have a listen, or if you're up for something you wouldn't normally listen to. It's a rather nice beat and piano sound.