Thursday, February 3, 2011

Revelations and Boils.

Today I sent out more "partnership postcards" or PPs as I decided to call them just this moment. I looked up a ton of churches in the area and sent out about 20 of these postcards to all these churches I have never been to in hopes they will have mercy on me and that God will call them to help me in this and stand next to me. I don't know if this is the best way to go about raising support, but It's all I got. I need a little more financial contributions in order to not go insane with stress while I am over there, and next time I have a visa run, which is mid-August I hope and pray to come back to Minnesota but this time I will not be coming alone!

Anyway, back to the PPs. I also sent a few extra ones to famous people I thought I had a 0.001% chance of getting some monetary donation from. These people include Barack Obama, Tom Hanks, and Richard Simmons. The President because he was recently in India and I firmly believe he is a believer. Richard Simmons because he is incredibly humble and loves to help all people. Tom Hanks because, well, he's Tom Hanks! He's just awesome.

In other news, I have a boil. I did not believe it at first, but my best friend, told me that it is in fact a boil. So I have been researching and reading up on boils and how to get rid of them naturally. I do not have health insurance and so going to the doctor to cut it open and remove all the wonderful stuff inside of it is a last resort. Correction, I do have health insurance, just not when I'm in the US or Canada, but I am covered any other country in the world. Perhaps I should go to Mexico and have it removed. If you or anyone you know has any good home remedies for boils, let me know! Typically people in hot and humid climates get boils, like India for example. Of course I would be the one person to never get one while I was living in India, but when I get to the frigid north country of Minnesota. Very funny.

This past weekend I really had this revelation that, "hey! I am my own person with my own interpretations and opinions on what the Bible says and I don't believe everything everyone tells me anymore!" It's a good revelation to have I think. I used to take a theology class when I was in High School and I thought everything my teacher told me to be right and truth. Then I went to New Zealand and many of the teachers there had differing and conflicting opinions but I thought they were all wrong! Then I went to India and studied the Bible for myself and was given the tools I needed to form my own opinions. It was the first time in my life I was told by the teachers, "this is just MY opinion, take it for what it's worth to you, but please get into these words and form your own opinions on what it means." And so I did that. Now, when I first came back from my school I was super critical of all churches I went to. It has taken me 1.5 years since then to be less critical and just this past weekend I had my moment. The pastor can believe what he wants to believe, and he was even teaching things I used to believe with all of me! I still agreed with some things, but others not even close. The beautiful thing is, that is totally okay! I don't have less respect for the pastor because he believes something different than me, nor do I feel sorry for him because he doesn't know "the truth" because really, in the words of Pilate, "What is truth?"

Superbowl Sunday is coming up. I am a little nervous about it. Who gets nervous about Superbowl Sunday? Look, I'm even capitalizing it like it's a freaking holiday! It's just that this Sunday is the epitome of American culture. It causes Americans everywhere to go insane and live out the day with an excuse to be ignorant, loud, offensive, drunk, and starting fights. People have a lot of money on this game, people get so worked up over football I cannot even begin to understand it. Perhaps it's because I am a girl and have never enjoyed watching sports, playing sports, or really having anything to do with sports. I used to just watch the Superbowl for the commercials, but even now that seems like something stupid. Why would anyone pay millions of dollars to have a 30 second commercial on television when that money could be used for much greater things? I just don't get it anymore. America does not make sense to me anymore, I am not sure if it ever has.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Hey Sarah, Nice to hear from you and your unfolding journey. You might want to check out the book, "People Raising". It has some wonderful thoughts about raising 'support' not a the main goal but as a by product of relationships, sharing the vision, getting people involved, ...

Hope the boil goes away soon

"in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things [love]"