Sunday, January 18, 2009

Come what may, come what may

The gospel of John is amazing. I really learned a lot, and have a lot of things I need to apply to my life. Most of all though, I must simply love people. What things are eternal on this earth? God is eternal. We are eternal. Relationships are eternal. How much time do I actually use for eternal things and how much time do I use for things that will pass away when this earth is gone or even when I am gone?

In studying the gospel of John I see what it is God wants for my life. Like, exactly what I am called to do. My calling. My purpose. Etc. John 14:15 Jesus says, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." and just before that in 13:34 Jesus says, "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another." and in 15:12 he says yet again, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." So, basically, in a nutshell...if all we do our entire life is love people then that would actually be a really amazing life lived to the fullest for Christ.

John, the writer of this gospel, one of the three "beloved" disciples along with Peter and James (John's brother), was the only apostle to die of old age. People tried to kill him, but he would not die. Keep in mind, he actually was one of Jesus' closest disciples and lived long enough to see all the other 11 die for Christ and he had the vision of Revelations and he had a long time to think about Jesus and his teachings and the way he lived. He had a ton of processing time, and he wrote the last gospel, so he thought and thought about Christ and how to live fully with him and in him, so finally, near the end of his life some historian wrote this about John:

When he tarried at Ephesus to extreme old age, and could only with difficulty be carried to the church in the arms of his disciples and was unable to give the utterance to many words, he used to say no more at their several meetings than this, "little children, love one another." ..."and if this alone is done, it is enough."

It always comes back to the simpleness of love and relationships with people. That's all Jesus did and that's all we should do, for if we love Jesus we also love the Father, and if we love Jesus we will keep his commandment which is simply to love others.

That's what I have been learning this week.

So I say, "bring on the love!" I want to love people. I want to know that I did all I could while here to know people and love people and serve people.

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