It is not really a good combination to have a compulsive shopper as a missionary. I don't know how it is possible to live in the United States for any period of time and not go in debt. I think my shopping habit has been getting better as I grow up, but I still find myself buying things frequently. I am happy to say that I have not purchased anything that I use once for a long time. There was a period of my life when I would buy things and wear them or use them once or twice then never again, mostly thinking, "I'll wear it when I get skinnier" But I never got skinnier. So, then I sold and gave away all those great clothes before I moved to India and now I'm wishing I had them back! I am realizing though, that it's okay to get a few things here and there. Especially since I have been wearing the same 4 outfits for the past 6 months, and I only buy things I can surely use in India also. No more of this, "I'm home for 2 months and I need to buy all these cute sweaters cause it's so cold here!!!!!" only to leave them behind when I go back to the sauna-like weather of India that is sure to welcome me in 11 days.
I was at the Mall of America today. Yes, this giant mall is located but a 30 minute drive from my parent's house. How convenient, right? Anyway, I was there purchasing things for people back in India. This is one thing I will always have to deal with; when I come "home" to America it never fails that I have at least 5 people asking me to bring certain things back with me. The requests range from coffee to bass guitars to laptop computers. Don't get me wrong, I am all for helping my fellow man, and I totally understand how convenient it is to have someone going to and coming back soon from America to bring your things back instead of paying outrageous amounts to ship these things overseas. However, it does get quite annoying because some of these people rarely talk to me, and the one time they do decide to say, "hey Sarah! How are you?" It's always followed by the inevitable question, "So, when are you coming back to India?" Which is then almost always followed by, "I was wondering if you could do me a favor..." Now, am I being heartless and bitter-minded to want to scream and just close my computer screen then and there, never to open it until I am back in India? I am pretty sure my job description does not include courier or delivery-woman. However, I know that my job description does include "selfless" "kind" "humble" "helper" etc. I guess if it really won't be any trouble at all I can totally deliver the goods. Perfume, a book, some lotion, coffee, clothes, small things are great, but those small things quickly add up! I am only allotted so much weight and room in my luggage, and checking more than one bag is costing more and more money these days.
It is a constant battle in my head and heart.
Valentine's Day is coming up. Every single Valentine Day in my past has not included a Valentine. This one is no different. But, for one of the first times in my life, I am okay with that, and instead of dwelling on the fact that my best friend whom I love with all of my heart is on the other side of the world instead of with me, I plan on loving the people here as best I can in the few days I have left with them!
And on that final note of Love, I will leave you to your weekend. I hope it is full of love and laughter, because those are the two best things ever in the world.
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