Apparently I am 27 years old today. It still feels like I'm in my early twenties. I mean, does anyone really feel their age? I remember being in 7th grade and thinking, "wow, I'm going to be a sophomore in high school some day and I'm going to be so grown up." Who thinks that? I was such a freak.
Anyway, birthdays have never really been my favorite. Having a birthday two days before Christmas, or as I've always liked to call the 23rd of December: Christmas Eve Eve. Having a birthday today sucked growing up because all my friends were out if town on my actual birthday so is have to have my party a week or two before my actual birthday.
The best parties that have been thrown for me were not birthday parties at all, but going away parties. What does that tell you?
Needless to say, I'm sitting here at a bad coffee shop to pass time until the thrift store across the street opens. I still have some Christmas gifts to buy and who knows, perhaps I just might buy myself another Cosby sweater or vintage shoulder-padded blouse because its my birthday.
Pictured below we have my current look, and yes, I am in a public place right now. Next is the bad coffee, then my current thrift sweater which just might be the most normal one I own to date!
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