Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cooking and Quiet Times

I'm becoming quite the Indian cook if I do say so. See for yourself in the pictures below:

Yeah, I made this, it's potato masala for dosas but I can't make dosa batter yet so I ate it with poori which I also made myself. I love making Indian food with all the seeds and whole spices and leaves and sticks and stuff. Seriously, they use the most raw ingredients and that's what makes their food so good.

My husband tells me I make the best pooris in the world. This is the finished product. Fortunately my four pooris were perfect bubbles, but all five I made for my husband did not work out so well and were flat, but still delicious.

Over the past 29 days (I know cause I started on the 1st of this month) I have woken up and spent some quiet time reading and meditating and writing. Sipping my chai (which I have also mastered recently) and spending some time alone and with my Creator. My days have been more peaceful and I feel more accomplished when I know I've actually spent some down time each day.

Doesn't that look flipping delicious? It tastes like that too.

On Monday my husband and I started an intense exercise regimen. It's just another step in the direction for me to improve my self-control and self-motivation. I hope that we can both stick to it for the full 60 days it requires. 

And that's that my friends, nothing much, just gloating over my cool Indian cooking styles. Perhaps I should start putting step-by-step recipes here.

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