Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Indian Men, Identity, and Mawwage (like The Princess Bride, you know?)

I am getting so tired of Indian men staring at me. Saying, "hello!" or "How are you?" or "From where are you?" etc. They drive past on motorcycles and turn around and stare at me as they drive past. They shout things from passing trains. They laugh. They are creepy. They are funny. Mostly, they are ridiculous. As if an American woman is going to be impressed by their fake Gucci t-shirts tucked into their tight, bell-bottomed jeans with 5 extra zippers that are useless. As if I'm impressed by how well they can say, "shit" and "fuck" as if that would impress me. 

Be patient with this culture.

I am currently sitting in CafĂ© Coffee Day and the song playing through the sound system here is saying, "send a dirty picture of yourself" over and over. What kind of stupid music are people making these days? 

Be patient.

I have needed rest more than anything else in the world over the past few days. I can't do anything without getting tired. Even thinking about doing something makes me sleepy. I want to do my laundry. I want to clean my bedroom. I want to sweep and mop the floors. I want to organize the kitchen. I want to ...

Be patient with yourself.

I'm not doing anything "right." As if there is any real "right" or "wrong" way to do life. How much patience must God have to just wait for me to figure stuff out. I don't know why He doesn't just inform me of how to have a good attitude, or how to stop living like a slave to sin, or how to love people, or how to get out of my depressed state of being I seem to be in a lot more lately. He does have all the answers, but he seems to have more patience than answers.

It takes time, be patient with yourself. 

Sometimes I wonder if I really am ready to become someone's lawfully wedded wife. I know I'm not ready actually. I'm not even sure if he's ready to be my husband. Is anyone really ready to get married? I think if people waited until they were really 100% ready to get married we'd all be getting hitched in our 50s or 60s. Then there wouldn't be many children around. Perhaps we'd never get married if we had to be completely ready for it. I saw a news story once about how in Japan there's almost no children anymore and a majority of the population is senior citizens because women are becoming more independent and realize they don't need a man to please them or take care of them because they can get good jobs and use other things to please themselves. They're even trying to make robots that are so human-like it's creepy so that you can truly have a relationship with someone who is exactly how you want them to be. That won't fly though until they can get those robot women to make a perfect sandwich.

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