Yesterday, The Fiancée and I went to the big city to meet a pastor who, we hoped, would perform our wedding. He is able to take care of all the legal stuff to do with our marriage. As a foreigner marrying an Indian a lot of stuff has to happen and a lot of documents must be found and copied and produced. Who knew, many, many years later, I would need my baptism certificate to get married? I mean, I don't even know if I got one. I think I was baptized 12 years ago.
Needless to say, he is excited to get to know us more and will be doing our marriage/wedding. Yay! He was really easy to get along with and my nerves were calmed after our short meeting because with Indian pastors they are either incredibly awesome or incredibly corny and obnoxious would be the best way to describe them.
I always forget how much cooler Lonavala is than the major cities surrounding it. It is always way hotter in Pune and Mumbai and I realize that when the train starts to get cooler and cooler as we approach Lonavala.
One of my favorite things about India is riding around in the auto rickshaws. They all make the same little growling sound as they drive around and the drivers are unique in their own ways. Some are very boisterous, others seem quite rude, still others are very talkative and want to know everything about you. Some rickshaws are falling a part while others have been pimped out to outrageous proportions with subwoofer and all.
Today at our staff meeting we discussed financial charges around our campus. Depending on which country you come from, your fees are more or less. For example, I would have to pay $100 per month for my staff fees because I am from the US while Romel, as an Indian, would only pay $40. I really hate talking about money. It always brings frustration, anger, and depression into my life. I hope that changes one day, but for now that's just the way it is. Then, of course, as always happens, a few of the staff members began arguing and discussing. I shrink at arguments and heated discussions. I get this feeling like I need to get out of there and fast. I think I hate it so much because it is a source for disunity and dissension. I just want everyone to get along! I will take no part in discussions or arguments. Although, today I did ask a few questions because many of the fees were raised for my category but not for the lowest category.
I could write about money for a long time, but I won't bore you.
Tonight we have a staff Christmas party where we will exchange gifts and whatnot. I'm getting a little tired of Christmas parties here. One last week, one tonight and one on Sunday. Plus, when I go to Nagaland I can only imagine there will be a lot of Christmas happenings going on...not to mention the three weddings I will be attending.
And to end, I will leave you with a very common, misspelt sign at a mall. India: Where they spell things how they sound, not how they're actually spelt.
1 comment:
Good Sarah Good!!!
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