Monday, May 30, 2011

What it's like to be sick in India

They say the ultimate test to whether your throat truly is healing from strep is if you can eat cold pizza without chopping it into teeny-tiny pieces and heating it up before you chew it a billion times so that you don't even need to regurgitate it in order for it to be classified as "regurgitated." Actually, who says that? I say that. Guess what? I just passed the test! Though my tonsils are still quite swollen, they are no longer sore and even though my left tonsil still has a giant white spot the size of Mars covering the side of it, it doesn't seem to be doing anything but being lazy.

For the past 9 days I have basically been bed-ridden because of strep, or tonsillitis. Perhaps I will never even know because the doctors in India don't do strep tests. You tell them your symptoms and they give you medicine based on your symptoms. I had 1. Fever 2. stuffy nose 3. sore/swollen throat 4. upset stomach. So what did I get? 1. pill to reduce my fever 2. pill to get rid of my stuffy nose 3. antibiotics to kill my throat infection 4. mouthwash to further kill my throat bacteria and make it safer I guess for things to pass into my stomach.

I'll never forget my first time to the Indian doctor. I had been throwing up from both ends (sorry, but so true) for like 3 days, so I went and told the doctor what was going on. He made me lie down, pressed on my upper abdomen, "does this hurt?" my answer, "no." then he pressed on my lower abdomen, "does this hurt?" my answer, "a little, I guess." Then he said, "Okay, lets get some medicine for you." What? What is that? He just scribbled some form of writing on a piece of paper, made me pay 100 rupees, and sent me to the pharmacist across the street. I did not even know what I was taking, but I took it and lo and behold I got better. In fact, even though I have no idea what these guys are prescribing me until after I pay for it and read the labels, it works, and they know what they're doing though my American mind tells me with everything inside of it that they have no idea what they're doing.

In fact, I'm sure I'm getting all the illnesses that babies in India get since the adults are most likely immune to the strep bacteria and TB. Who knows? So the doctors are very familiar and probably think, "poor porcelain baby, she's getting so sick in our country."

I'll have you all know that the first 9 months I was in India I got sick once. ONCE. Then I went home for 11 months and did not get sick at all. Then, I came back to India and BAM as soon as I started TITUS Project, the optional SBS outreach where I learn how to teach and preach and then go out and teach and preach for 8 weeks. Now all I ever do is get sick. Seriously. I don't understand what's going on. I'm that girl that you regret accepting into your school because she has a "history of health problems." Which all seem tiny and insignificant, but 3-4 of them always happen at the same time so it's actually quite a huge deal. Sore throat? Whatevs, I can still go to class and stuff. Stuffy nose? That's nothin'. Fever? I got a fever, give me 24 hours and I'll break it and be fever free. But combine all those and you have a lethal weapon of mass body weakening. Thank you, Satan.

I've decided, and it's been confirmed recently in one dream (I'm waiting for more confirmation) that it's all spiritual attack. I mean, like Satan really wants another person out there telling people who Jesus really was and that he does not want you to live in shame, guilt, disappointment, or condemnation! I'm not just sharing the gospel with those who haven't heard, but I'm actually equipping people who already know and believe in Jesus with the truth! I'm helping them know who their Creator is better and pointing them in the right direction (not that I have it right at all, but we're all learning together). I'm teaching others to pass on this Truth. It's easy to ignore someone out there on their own preaching the gospel, but it's the ones who are equipping the believers Satan needs to watch out for, and so I've come to the conclusion that the reason I'm getting so sick is because I'm stepping up my game. I am not just a "comfortable" Christian living the American Dream influencing a few lives here and there which is totally awesome if that's what God wants you to do!! But God wanted something different for me, and so I am still obedient even though it might be more difficult than one of my good friends who's got a great job and spouse and lots of money. When we obey God we get attacked. That's almost how I know I really am where I'm supposed to be is when I face great opposition and despite that opposition amazing things still happen! Then who gets all the glory? Not this weak, little girl who has only lived on a diet of mangos and yogurt for the past 9 days. I couldn't blow out a candle right now if I tried. God gets all the glory, which is how it was always supposed to be.

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