The pictures should be as follows...
Dining hall
A truck on the walk into town to go to our favorite study spot
Coffee Day (our favorite study spot)
The life of an SBS student
Laundry room, yeah, handwashing...not my strong suit
Some of the boys on base playing Rummy 500
My new good friend Karen and myself
Some other boys playing some crazy game
All taken on my wonderful Canon Digital Rebel XT that was formerly broken and God fixed it miraculously!
Pray for finances if you think about it. I still need to purchase a ticket home eventually and pay for my third quarter of school. Each are between $700 and $800 dollars.
As for Christmas break, Nepal is calling my name and hopefully I will be able to find a cheap flight. Pray for that as well, online they're looking quite spendy, but I'm hoping via travel agent it will be cheaper. Taking a train and bus is not an option, it's cheaper sure, but it will take too long and I won't get ANY rest before 2nd quarter if I take the train.
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