Monday, July 16, 2012

All the Small Things

Last night our washing machine broke. It suddenly stopped working and now it won't turn on. My theory is an old, rusty bobby pin got lodged in the spinning mechanism and acted as a stick in a bike spoke. I opened it up and found all this "debris" inside near the spinning part of the machine. Plastic beads, supari, even some medicine, but the main thing was a big, old, rusty bobby pin stuck in this hole that had to have been what stopped the machine. I managed to pull it out and then tried to start it again, but now it won't even turn on. So we're going to have to call the Washing Machine Guy which is literally what his name is in my phone. As if I could remember and know how to spell these people's Indian names. Sure if they're name is Ganesh or Santosh or Vishnu that's easy enough, but most names are like Aamritisharpeet. 

We're still hoping to move very soon. Keep us in your prayers. We hope to find a place that's at least half of what we're paying now for rent. We live in a rather expensive town though. A tourist and holiday hotspot. If only there was wi-fi available everywhere her like in Kathmandu.

A few pictures of life these days...

SBS graduation. It's a little blurry, but damn I look good in that Mekela, right? I'm wearing my husband's traditional dress for women in his tribe.

Just a self-portrait.

My newest weapon against rainfall.

I love how green everything gets during monsoon. That's the only thing I love about it.

I'm about to get a little "too much information" up in here.

My husband and I have been watching Prison Break. We're almost finished with the 2nd season and it's actually quite a good show despite the acting of the main two brothers. So last night we were watching it after drinking big glasses of iced coffee. We both had to go to the bathroom really bad at the same time so my husband went in the left bathroom and I went in the right one. We usually just turn on the hall light and not the bathroom lights and just leave the door open halfway as we pee. (I told you this would be TMI). So I'm sitting down in the semi-darkness and suddenly I see this long creature moving on the floor close to my feet. I very quickly realize it's a giant centipede, about 6 inches long. I immediately begin screaming and shouting my husbands name and of course raise my feet as far from the floor as I can. He comes running in and turns on the light and sees this centipede and says, "It's okay, it's okay.." as I'm practically hyperventilating.

He was right though, it all ended up okay. My husband saved the day and took that centipede's life. 

Sometimes this is what I do with God. I live my normal life by myself, but suddenly if anything goes wrong, if anything threatens me or goes wrong, I cry out to God to save me. Help me! I need you! I must be rescued! But once everything is back to "normal" again I go on living my life by myself.

I don't do that with my husband. Sure, I cry out to him when I need him to kill a spider or centipede, or when I need him to go to the market, but I also spend time with him doing "normal" things people do. Eating meals, reading, watching television shows, having coffee, playing cards. Normal stuff. But how can I include God in the "normal" things of life?