I have become a cooking machine since moving back to India. My previous six months here ended up in many cooking disasters and a loss of hope that I will one day be the perfect house-wife. I don't want to be a house-wife anyway, so that's probably a good thing. However, since arriving back to Mother India, I have been cooking and baking quite often, and you know what? The food I make is actually tasting good! I mean, it is quite excellent if I must say. I'm not normally one to toot my own horn, especially when it comes to cooking, but I think this calls for some sort of recognition. I roasted four chickens on Friday night for our school's Love Feast. Now, it's quite nerve-wracking knowing that you are in charge of making the chicken for everyone to eat. What if it turns out wrong? Some people don't eat Pork, so there is no other option, they have to eat your chicken no matter what it tastes like. Fortunately, they turned out wonderfully with matching mashed potatoes to boot!
Perhaps God really is preparing me for married life.
On another, more terrible note, I keep getting boils. I mean, the first one was a surprise, and when it finally started going away I was so relieved. Then, another one sprouted up right next to where the first one was, just days after the first one healed. At least with the second one I was more prepared as to how to deal with it. Then, just a few days ago I thought another one was coming in, but nothing even came of it, so I thought I had mastered boil combat. I hit that one fast and hard with cleanliness and topical ointment. But, I wonder if that one was even a boil because it did not hurt at all. Now, there is another one on the same leg. Not right next to the first two, but about four inches below them. I'm doing all I can think to do to thwart its efforts of growing and becoming terribly painful, but my scare tactics are not working this time. I really wonder what is causing this to happen.
Street dogs are so incredibly annoying. When I left there were these three puppies that were about three months old a few houses down from me. They were so cute and I played with them many times. They never wandered far from their home. In the two months I have been gone they have grown a lot, and they actually spend most of their time laying and playing outside my gate. The thing is, they are barking like crazy now...all night long. Then, they cause the other dogs around here to bark and it's like any hope you had in falling asleep soon just flew out the window. You have no idea how many murder plots I have come up with to dispose of these street dogs. No street dogs means sound sleeping all night long without having to wear ear plugs! I hate wearing ear plugs. I feel like it cannot be good for my ears to be blocked for 7 hours at a time, but these stupid dogs give me no choice! It is not fair! I know if they were dead it would not last forever. More dogs would come and take up residence, marking their territory, but maybe they won't bark as much as these dogs. Perhaps once these puppies get older they will bark less. They need an older, wiser street dog to guide them. The street dog guru. Or maybe I can just kill one of them as a warning to the others to shut the hell up. They are even barking right now and it is 11:57 PM.