I am currently at Starbucks and let me tell you, I do miss this place when I am in India, but I don't miss how expensive it is. I also miss the drink sizes! In India you mostly only get one size which to all Americans would be considered "small." When I come back to Minnesota I try to drink as many Ventis (their largest size) as I can! But today, as I was ordering my Venti Sugar-free Vanilla Soy Iced Coffee the guy behind the register told me that in May Starbucks is getting another size called "Trenta" which will be 31 oz. THIRTY-ONE OUNCES! I am already embarrassed to be holding the 20 oz Venti size when I'm in here, I wonder what the Trenta will look like!
I was telling the employee how incredibly ridiculous that is especially coming from my now more Indian mind-set. Even the Smalls are big to me. But, there was something even more ridiculous coming in a few seconds. I was watching the guy make my drink and he first made an iced latte then realized it was supposed to be an iced coffee. As he gave me the 20 oz. Iced Coffee he asked if I wanted the 20 oz. Iced Latte he accidentally made since they'd dump it out anyway, so I said yes, how can one say "no" to free coffee? So now, after pointing out how incredibly ridiculous 31 oz. of coffee would be I am holding 40 oz. of coffee in my hand. Instead of being embarrassed by one Venti size I am further embarrassed by having two Venti sized drinks with me at my table. Some would maybe assume I have a friend coming, but I don't.
I had a talk with a good friend last night and we somehow got on the topic of debt. I always have this credit card looming over my head. I really do not have much debt compared to the rest of America or even friends my age with college-loans to pay off. I never went to college and so thankfully don't have student-loans. However, I was dumb enough to get a credit card as soon as I was 18 and because I was pretty good then at making payments on it they gave me an extra $1,800 on top of my limit without even telling me!! That was not a good move on their part, but I know I can't blame them because I'm the one who spent all the money I didn't have. I try my best to not worry about it. I know God's got my back and he will provide for this because that is who He is! But it is not easy to keep trusting Him when it's been quite a few years now nothing really has changed.

Getting those two drinks today at Starbucks sure was more than what I needed. I just needed one iced coffee. God knows what we need without even asking Him. He knew I needed one coffee, but I believe he provided me with a second one also. He gave me in abundance something I did not even ask Him for! I know it's a little think like coffee, but I really think that this time as much as I want to send out a hundred thousand more postcards to hopefully get financial partnership from others, I want to trust God more than I ever have before. If He does not lead me to send out postcards then I won't do it. He knows my needs I need to stop always asking Him for things and start recognizing who He is with adoration and thanksgiving. He is not a magic genie who always grants our wishes. He knows our needs before we even need them. So, lets let Him surprise us with even more than we need. Lets not focus on our debt, bills, or necessities, but lets focus on who God is. He is on the throne and He does not want to see us stressed out and worried, pulling our hair out. He'd catch a grenade for you. Why wouldn't He take care of your needs?